Two issues with RT4 (4.6.15). One new and one old.
The old issue: I have recipes from RT 3 with pop-up notifications. When I edit the notification step, the notification icon is shown, but the notification text is not. I can add a new notification, but both seem to be there after adding a new one.
New issue: I tried to delete a step with a notification. It deleted the notification, but leaves the step with no way to delete it and now no way to save my changes, because RT4 says steps have to contain at least one action.
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Hi @toddjohnson ,
Thanks for reporting these bugs, we’re looking into this.
By ‘old issue’, do you mean this was happening with previous versions of RoasTime (before the re-designed recipe creator)?
Are you also experiencing the first issue with other recipes or just this particular one?
As for the new issue, all recipes need to have an ‘end roast setting’ notification. The bug is that there shouldn’t be a delete button on the action, and if this action was removed, there should be a way to re-add it. We’ll get this fixed.
The old issue was one I had had previously with an earlier version of RT4 loading RT3 recipes.