Roastime Graph reset

Hi all,

Just completed my second batch of coffee roasting on my new Bullet, and have a question about the graph in Roastime.

When I charge the roaster after preheating, the display on the machine registers the relevant changes, but the graph on the software doesn’t restart from the left side of the graph, but continues on the right, which mean I can’t track trajectory etc. I’m sure there’s an easy answer, but I can’t for the life of me figure out on the software where to change the setting.

Or do I need to press reload or another command when I charge?

Sorry for the newb question!

Not a newby question.

Doesn’t sound right. Did the Bullet announce ‘Charge’ after Preheat had been running? If it did I would expect that, when you start adding the beans, the Bullet would then announce ‘Roasting has started’ prior to having finished adding all the beans- the Bullet f/w detects the sudden drop in Bean Temp and assumes this is where to begin.

Simultaneously with that “Roasting has…” announcement the graph on RT4 should reset itself to the left edge, and Time on both the Bullet control panel and RT4 roasting page should set itself to T = 0:00.

What comes to mind-

  • maybe a loss of comm between the Bullet and your computer for that roughly 20 sec gap. RT4 had no data to graph but the Bullet had detected the temp change associated with the roast start. The graph looks about right in terms of the roast- just missing some data. A wild guess: maybe the USB-2 cable wasn’t seated as solidly as it needs to be… ??
  • do you have a lot of s/w running in the background? Maybe comm was overloaded… ?? I use a Win11 laptop so my thinking tends in that direction. But frankly the computer would have to be buried in tasks so… ??
  • one last thing- the rear of the control panel housing limits access of the Bullet’s board-mounted USB connector. You have to fuss with it a bit to seat in the USB-2 cable connector into the control-board mounted USB connector. I suppose there’s a chance the control board isn’t in an optimal position for the connector to seat to it’s beast advantage. More likely it’s just a case of fussing with the comm cable connector for the best contact.

Fwiw, the roast profiles look like you’ve been roasting on the Bullet for awhile. Hope the coffee tastes as good and those graphs look!


Edit- Fwiw, I route the USB-2 cable downward then behind the left leg of the Bullet, over the back of the cooling tray fan housing so that the fan exhaust doesn’t blow on it, then outside the right leg of the Bullet to my laptop. It allows the least possibility for disturbing the cable connection at the rear of the control panel.

( As I typed this I realized I have never added that piece of Velcro to hold the cable to the left leg as I promised myself almost 5 yrs ago I would do! )

Edit 2- what version of RT are you using? If it’s not the latest RT4 release (4.6.16 I believe) I would suggest moving to that version.

Hi Bruce,

Thanks so much for the comprehensive answer.

Short answer is that yes, I’m running the latest version but I’m not sure if there’s a connection issue. I don’t think it’s loose, but anything is possible.

I’m sure there must be a simple answer and I’m going to kick myself once someone tells me what I’m doing wrong. I’ve reached out to the Aillio peeps and raised a ticket so I’m hopeful they’ll tell me what I’m doing wrong.

Appreciate the feedback on my roasts so far. I think 4 of them were season and testing but I’m pretty happy with my results so far. Bit early to tell given the beans haven’t rested enough, but the darker roast came out great so it’s a good start. Still getting used to the power settings and rushing through the yellowing a bit and I end up in danger of crashing when pulling back the heat in the development Maillard, but I’ll get better once I understand exactly what the difference is between P9 and P7!

Thanks again,


Can you take a video of this behavior? When it switches to Roasting, it should restart on the left unless you were roasting before opening the software.

Hi mate,

I got in touch with the support and they advised to adjust the axis in the settings and that seems to have done the trick. I hadn’t set them at all when I started using the software so that was the issue.

Figured it was user noob error :slight_smile: