When I go in to adjust inventory, the window appears to suggest how much inventory I have on hand and what I want the adjustment to be. When I type in 2lbs for instance, the inventory gets adjusted up by 2lbs, not a total amount. I should have the ability to say exactly how much inventory I have on hand and then when I do a roast, it decrements from my inventory by the number of grams. The use of grams, ounces and lbs should also be consistent.
I think this is what you wanted to do…
If you’re trying to decrement the inventory just insert a minus sign (a hyphen: “-”) in front of the amount. So if the total shown is 500 gm and you want to adjust to 450 gm, the adjustment amount is -50.
TBH I wish we can have an ability to just “override” and input the amount sometimes rather than fiddling with the math
That’s interesting. It’s not very clear that this is the case but maybe I missed something. I figured if I was editing the inventory, I would say this is how much I have currently. I’m a new member and just learning the Bullet but would agree the comment to make this visual a little easier to navigate. Loving the roaster.
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