I’ll be pulling that USB plug “after” future Firmware updates as a precaution. The Bullet went into that mode of ignoring all User input and running the fans as max speed right after the Firmware update was “successfully completed”.
For Wayne, I checked my USB driver in the Devices List with the Bullet “on” and connected to my PC. The driver now shows as:
Aillio LTD- Bullet R1 Roaster FS
Driver date = 10/29/2017
Version = 6.1.7600.16385
So at some point the RoasTime software must have installed that USB driver because I didn’t fool with it.
I’ve also noticed that the USB Driver download page says “For Legacy Version Only” and I have a version 1.5 Bullet.
Yes, I believe RoastTime 2 installs USB driver in a different way (and you won’t see it in Device Manager unless the R1 is actually connected). You don’t need the legacy drivers for RT2 and in fact I believe if you go back and install them AFTER installing RT2, then connection won’t happen and the RT2 software will always tell you the R1 is not connected.
Don’t you just love Windows Device Driver handling ?
Yes, please!!! I just got my bullet and was sooo confused. I haven’t been able to try it out yet, so I have no clue if I have the right one downloaded. Pleeease make it easier on us!! Pretty pretty please
I got my Bullet about 2 weeks ago and clicked on the RT software download in the online Manual. It downloaded Version 1 so I deleted it…had read on this forum about RT2, so here is what I did…sort of a long way to get where I ended up, but seems to be working fine for me.
I found RoasTime version 2.0.8 on this forum and downloaded it to my Windows 10 PC
Loaded Firmware version 475 onto the Bullet
Clicked on the “Tools” menu of RT 2.0.8, then “Force Update Drivers”
Clicked on the “About” menu of RT 2.0.8 and clicked “Update.” I expected to be able to choose what version of RT to update to (Beta, etc.) but just clicking “Update” did what it promised…it updated the RT to 2.2.0-beta
I’ve only completed 8 roasts (including 5 seasoning ones) so I don’t know what I don’t know, but things are working well and the coffee I’m drinking right now is great!
Guys thank you all , I updated the firmware to 500 . Everything seems to be working normal.
However I do have another question… During pre heating , 400g - Drum Temp is 230C ; Bean Temp 120C … Drum Temp seems to hold its temperature at 230 going up and down 229-232
Bean Temp keeps going up. Bullet doesn’t tell me automatically to CHARGE . So I have to manually press PRS to charge the beans. Do I have to wait until Bean Temp goes to a specific temperature ?
It varies but it could take a while before the Bullet tells you to charge. I hear a lot of people saying they preheat for 30 minutes. For me, I wait around 15 minutes and hit PRS and start roasting. It hasn’t been an issue for me.
I set my preheat tempt for 437F and it takes about 10-12 minutes at an ambient (basement) temp of 65F. I choose that preheat temp because I want a hot drum for the 1.5lb roasts that I do.
In the (7) roasts I’ve done on my Bullet, I’ve only heard the “Charge” voice once (just yesterday when I did 2 back-to-back 1.5lb roasts). Even if the drum temp goes above 437F, the Bullet doesn’t (typically) announce “Charge”. It doesn’t matter to me whether I hear that voice because the drum temp is ready and like Wayne, I start the roast myself when the drum is ready.
The manual says that there can be reasons that the “Charge” announcement doesn’t happen (too much air draw, too cool ambient temp, too much wind). While I understand how those things could affect that automated statement, they are not the conditions in my case. I think it it something else that is happening (software, IBTS, etc). I prefer having manual control with my roasts, know that the drum is at temp and don’t need Miss Aillio telling me when to “charge”.
I’m 8 roasts in. Having read the same ‘I preheat for 30 minutes’ post, I waited yesterday to see what’s what. Once preheat temp was ‘stable’ the roaster told to me ‘charge’ for all three of my roasts. I believe it took about 20+ minutes for me yesterday.
All my efforts have been imminently drinkable. I’ve been a West Bend MK1 air popper roaster for two decades so THIS has been a real step up. FAR more uniform roasts than I was used to.
Getting used to all the metrics that I not only have control over BUT can also be measured.
Depending on the ambient temp a person is roasting in, there is ample room for differences between when the drum temp would arrive at the pre-heat setting. For me, roasting in a consistent 65-70F ambient room temp, my Bullet easily arrives at a pre-heat temp (of 437F) within 12-15 minutes. I have purposely allowed it to go for several minutes beyond those time-frames just to see if the “Charge” message would sound and it did not. My guess is that if I were willing to wait for 20-30 minutes, the Bullet may finally announce “Charge”.
Having roasted on a gas-fired roaster the past 10yrs, I’m used to having almost immediate changes to heat that I can use to manage pre-heat, ROR and roast-time targets. Regarding the Bullet, I do understand what Jacob has said about allowing the roaster to pre-heat for 30 minutes for “consistency”. Consistency is a well known requirement in the commercial roasting industry. So, I get why Jacob would say that and design the roaster in that fashion. Consistency will be an individual judgement call for every person that uses a Bullet and I’m still developing my thinking about that topic with this machine.