I have downloaded the update for RoasTime v3.4.1 several times and it’s not installing automatically. I have the macOS Monterey version 12.3.1 and there doesn’t seem to be an install button that I can find. What am I missing?
I’m not at all familiar with MacOS but you won’t find a way to install RT3.x.x within RT3. With Win11 I have to find the downloaded file (on your desktop maybe?) and double click it to launch the installation- I’m guessing MacOS is similar… ??
Hi Bruce.
Thanks. I thought I was headed in that direction, but get to the point where it’s unclear what to do next. Previous installs and updates have all gone smoothly. Not sure why this time is different.
Ignore it- probably a Microsoft conspiracy!
Yeah, the 2nd photo above shows the Icon from the download and the little window that opened when I clicked on it. Within that window, the RT icon only opens up RT (which is the 1st photo above). That blue applications folder only opens my mac applications window. And there’s the dead end again.
The good news is the Bullet stills works great. And I’m always looking forward to the next delicious roast.
I think Matt mentioned something about this particular release he made a booboo with the signing of the executable and recommended that we manually run the executable to install it.
Hey @TooMuchCoffeeMan - on Mac you drag the icon to the applications folder to install DMGs.
Hi blacklabs,
Thanks for your response. Success with install now!
Hi mcaillio,
Success. Just like you said. (Then click OK to replace old file.)
Many thanks,
My 3.4.0 never did download/install 3.4.1 so I just did it manually.
Thanks, yasbean. This is great to have a community to interact with. Got it installed, now, and beans/inventory/roast info migrating satisfactorily.