Roasting Indoors!

Hey all, I haven’t posted in a very long time, but I’ve been lurking here and there.

I’ve been roasting in my garage for almost two years now. Now that I’ve started roasting more frequently for other people, I needed to find a way to do it indoors. I live in Arkansas, so the summer heat is downright unbearable.

Well, I was finally able to pick up some supplies to vent my bullet out of my office window. I tested it tonight for the first time, and it worked like a charm.
This was 10000000000 times better than roasting in my garage.

I really just wanted to share this with somebody, and I know you guys would understand.

Hope you all are well!


Well ok… where’s the photos?! :grinning:



What’s the residual smell like inside? When I bring my bullet inside for cleaning, by the next morning I can smell smoke from the adjacent hallway.

This is where I’m at! I am in Texas and I cannot roast in my garage past like 10 am sometimes not even in the summer. Would love more info on what you did to make it work for you. I’m renting so I am worried about permanent damage to the interior.

Oops, I did it again and stopped posting after making this one :sweat_smile:

It’s been ok so far! The smell is still present in the room, but I fully believe any kind of venting diminishes the smells by a good bit. I keep the door closed during the whole process, including cooldown and cleaning. The smell sticks a slight bit to the room, but we haven’t noticed it in the rest of the house at all, really. It’s been nice.

Sure thing! I’ll post a picture in a few minutes. I already had my roaster on a cart; we drew up plans for a contraption that would hold the venting over the roaster in place. We went out and bought PVC to make it. It took about 13 feet of PVC. You’ll see in the picture how it is, but it also took six elbow joints and two T joints. I can’t remember the size of PVC, but I believe it was one inch; we didn’t want it to be too flimsy. The bottom of the “bracing,” if you will, is simply zip-tied to my cart. It’s a pretty simple design. We’re using dryer vent hose as the tubing, just because it’s so cheap.
I bought a twin window fan from Home Depot ( that will spin either way, and have my hoses vent to it, and it sucks it out. I was worried that it would affect the way my Bullet roasts, but I have seen no issues so far!

Here’s a picture of it! Excuse the mess, we had just build it so we had things laying everywhere. The window fan is actually mounted into the window when I roast, I just leaned it up against it for the sake of this picture, lol.

FWIW - this thread is worth a look exhausting setups as many of us roast indoors since those of us in the colder climes have to roast indoor in the winter.