RoastTime for Mac on an iPad?

We have an ARM built version coming out soon so you will be able to use a Raspberry PI etc.
An iPad / Android version will not be coming out anytime soon. It is a completely new app we will have to develop, and we don’t have the resources at the moment.


The ideal situation would be to use Bluetooth to run the bullet with a iPad

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Any updates here? Would love it on my ipad.

At our last hackathon in Dec, one of our team members did a very minimal prototype mobile app using the local network instead of bluetooth (problem is you still need something connected to the Bullet). We don’t currently have anything on the docket immediately for this, but always in mind.

Always ok with something attached to the bullet. Even thinking about a small PC (like a NUC) and vnc in or something for now. The laptop I was using for my bullet died, so that has me looking.

Somewhere I read that the V2 Bullet already had a BlueTooth module onboard. Is that true? It WOULD be a game-changer to be able to control the roaster wirelessly via an App through mobile devices!

I am personally using a Windows Surface right now to make it a bit easier, but it would be great to lose the USB cable!