Can someone please explain the function of the End Roast Alert when using a recipe in RoasTime? My understanding was that it would display an alert when the roast reached a specific temperature, such as 212 ºC, but the option seems to have an additional mandatory condition that at least 3 minutes have passed.
Now, initially, I thought the 3 minutes referred to the entire roast, but the other steps of the recipe use much smaller time increments, such as 5s, which tells me that the time is related to the specific step, not the whole roast.
So, how does one make sense of this? I just want an alert when my beans reach my target temperature without the time trigger. Even if one disables time triggers in RoasTime, a pop-up says they are still active, but not visible.
I wish there was better documentation for some of these features.
On the other hand, building recipes is so much better now. than it was.
I’ll try to answer your question by providing an example of one of my recipes… ( almost all of my roasts are recipe driven )
In the recipe below, all of the rungs and decisions are based upon temperature only. All of the rungs have a default of 5 seconds. If you add a new step and have .05 set for the time, the new step/rung will be in the correct place based upon temperature.
The last rung of my ladder has an End roast setting of 435F and greater than or equal to 3 minutes.
When the temperature reaches 435F, I will immediately get the alert to end the roast.
So you can ignore the 3 minute time for the End roast setting.
Thanks, Bill, that is quite helpful. I’ll test it during my next roast and confirm that the alert comes up immediately when hitting the target end temperature.
I guess I just don’t understand why there is even a time condition on the End Roast Alert and why its minimum is 3 minutes! Aillio could address that and make it less confusing.