RT v3.4.1 saved a days worth of roast history, but none of the curves or roast details [Fix: upgrade to RT v4]

RoastTime has been working great up until today. I’m running on Windows 11 and firmware 605. There have been no new changes to my computer or my R1V2 bullet… or roasting process.

I ran seven back to back roasts. Roast curves all appeared while roasting and looked good. I edited my finished roast weight and bean type, and saved each roast.

As the bullet cooled down, I detached the USB and shut down roasttime… same shut down process I always use. Later in the night, I opened roasttime to discover my roast history was saved (and accurate), but none of the roasting curves or detail were available (blank roast curve). I also realized when I went online, that the seven b2b roasts do not appear on my roast world history.

Any ideas on how to retrieve this info?

This wouldn’t be such a big deal, except I’ve been playing with drum speed to minimize the RoR bump during FC. I finally hit my target on the last two roasts. Would love to get these details back. Thanks

Hey @jrgould615,

My apologies for not responding in a timely manner. If I remember correctly this is an issue that would sometimes occur if your RT v3 roast-time folder became corrupted. The solution was to remove this folder so that RT resyncs. Unfortunately, I don’t think that the missing curves can be recovered.

I checked your profile and it seems you’re using RT v3. Would you be open to upgrading to RT v4? We’ve various major improvements and bug fixes in RT v4. This also includes fixing this current issue that you’ve experienced.

You can download RT v4 here: https://roastime.aillio.com
