I often do B2B roasts using the same recipe. In the past I don’t recall needing to re-select the recipe for the 2nd and later roasts. Today, using 4.6.16 (just updated from an earlier version of v4), the second roast did not use the recipe. I would prefer b2b roasts to default to using the recipe from the prior roast.
Some early RT4 updates would lose some user settings… they’d revert to defaults. More recent releases do a good job retaining your settings. If there were significant steps in updates to Client & Proxy you may have gotten blind sided. Going forward I suspect you won’t have an issue with losing your settings… I don’t recall an issue in several months.
Edit- Also if you tried a different Theme (even if you reverted to the old theme) you would have picked up the default for Single-use Recipes.
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