RT4 Agtron Scale has incorrect limits

I use the gourmet Agtron scale, but RT 4 tells me that I can only enter scores from 25 to 95. My Nordic Roast target end color is 70/110 (Whole/Ground). This feature needs to be changed to include more measurement scales, not device. The device name can be typed in, or included as a way for the user to enter a set of color meters. I would suggest that the main pull down should be the scale, such as Agtron Commercial, Agtron Gourmet, Tonino (device and scale), etc. when picking one of the Agtron scales the user could then also select the device: Lightells, KN-201, etc.

In any case, I’m back to entering Agtron in the titles and comments again :frowning:

Thanks for the feedback @toddjohnson . We will look at upgrading this feature in the near future. We started a bit basic on purpose because we wanted to see if/how users used it first.

Another issue: if you try to type a number with a decimal point, say 67.8, in the Agtron fields the decimal point just puts the cursor back to the start and you end up with 867!

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Added a ticket to get your issues resolved. Thanks again.

867 Agtron? That’s a nice roast!