Strong USB connector

My R2 Pro was delivered with a damaged Control Unit housing. The USB connector and speaker were not working. Upon further investigation, I discovered that the USB connector was not connected to the board. I noticed the way the connector was mounted to the board, and considering the product’s weight makes it mobile and the fact that it’s not a handheld device, I believe the connection is weak to the board for this type of product.

This could be another reason for the glitches some users are experiencing. While there are other potential reasons, such as software issues, cable problems, or computer malfunctions, this could be a contributing factor. The USB connector is mounted to the board with 4 small pegs, the data connections is on both sides of the connector, so as the usb connector is used, the plugging and unplugging would weaken the data connection and explain some glitches.

My recommendation is to plug the USB cable into the unit and leave it in. However, be cautious of the loose cable and consider taping it to the unit while moving and cleaning, or be very gentle when plugging and unplugging the USB cable.

OR what would be great Bluetooth connectivity!!!

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Hi Dave,

The USB connector is fine. Yours was damaged on arrival which does not mean that the design of the USB connector / quality is not up to scratch.
There is no need to tape the cable to the R2 nor to refrain from unplugging it after use.

Here is the datasheet if anyone are interested:


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again thank you for the information


Do you have a picture of the connection? I still have the micro USB connector, and as you have read it glitches out often enough to be annoying.

Can i ask which type of usb the bullet R2 use and how long is it??
Thank you very much

I use a usb C to usb C 6ft…more than enough!

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Thank you very much!

And there are any problems if i don’t use the usb cable that is provided with the Bullet??
My concern is that maybe its too short…

Thanks again.:+1::+1::+1:

It comes with a type C to type A. I don’t remember the length, about 1.5 to 2m. You can use your own cable, but keep it as short as possible.

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Thanks for your answer!
I don’t know if i can ask here but i am planning to buy the R2 when it will be available in Europe…

What about replacemmt part for the R2 (Motor,pulley,drum,IBTS,BT sensor ecc…)are they the same of the R1 V2?Can we purchase them through the Aillio site??

Thanks for your time👍

Some parts are similar to the R1 but others are changed.
You will be able to buy any sparepart from Aillio Europe in Copenhagen. Also, local distributors will eventually stock the most common parts.

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Jacob is the one to listen too, but if you do use your own cable, make sure it supports data and charging, as some cables only charge. I used a C to C cable to my MacBook Air and works fine, but it also can transfer data to my external hard drive.

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