Unable to delete bean

I’ve a producer and do sample roasting using the B1. I’ve discovered that I needed to “add to inventory” in order to use the bean so ended up creating multiple “new beans” in roast.world for the same bean. How do I delete the extra bean profiles from the searchable listings? @derrxb

Hi @robmcclure,

You’ll need to login to https://roast.world/ to manage your beans.

You can then navigate to “My Beans” list view and use the trash icon on the right side of each row to delete the beans you no longer need.

The only beans that show up there are the ones you put into your inventory. So that is not the answer.

Hey @robmcclure, this isn’t an allowed action as beans have historically been shared with everyone. Can you add the link to the beans on here and we’ll get them deleted.
