Unreal Ethiopian Fruit Bomb

I’m doing the first, I just drop the beans. Then I hit cool once all the beans are out. I will try another roast perhaps tomorrow, and see if I’m missing something. I remember in previous roasts I don’t recall having to press the PRS for the Bullet to begin cooling. I think it automatically would kick in to cool mode once I dropped the beans.

You see in this graph the IBTS looks normal, there wasn’t this up shot :arrow_up: like in the other roast you saw. Roast World - Cup, grade, and analyze your coffee roasts in depth

It is better to press PRS and then at the same time open the door. If you don’t you will keep recording and the IBTS sensor will sense the hot drum and you will see a peak temp at the end. This peak end temperature is used to display what the drop temp was, so this will be off.
Also, your cooling tray fan will start later.


If you go to cooling mode after dropping the beans the graphs will easily tell you this. Your data will then be off.


Makes sense and as @Jacob also said, this explains the graph “upshot”. I do wonder that, aside from letting the beans out to cool them, if there is a legitimate reason to open the door? If not, then Bullet in theory could treat door opening as an event that immediately kickstart the Bean Cooling mode without requiring the dual operation of “hit PRS and door open”.

I don’t believe there is a sensor on the door to send a signal to the controller that the door is open or closed.

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Thank you I appreciate your help :blush:

thanks for this really useful. Just tried with Ethiopia Ana Sora Natural, came out well and definitely got a smell of blueberry flavour coming out during roast near to FC. FC hard to detect, one or two pronounced cracks only - had to slightly remove tryer to hear FC. Good tip on not following exact by time and aim for milestones, either BT or IR as roast was quite a bit out it followed by time. Really pleased with this so will repeat when got through this batch!

Brief tasting notes: Heavy blueberry, Floral, slight Jasmine/Lemongrass notes. Best roast for this bean ive done yet, worked better than 200g sample roast. Will see how flavour develops over next few days