US Champion Andrew Coe’s Light Roast Recipe

In case you haven’t seen it in your feed, we’ve shared a Roast Recipe from US Roasting Champion (and current #3 in the world) Andrew Coe for you guys to use as a reference.

You can learn more about his recipe and add it to your stash at this link: Andrew’s Roast Recipe.

Happy roasting and have a great weekend everybody!


Thanks for sharing this and making it available!

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Really helpful. Thanks for sharing…

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Cool! Gonna have to play with this when I pick up the coffee for my holiday roasts next week.

Key takeaway for me is a pretty brisk fan all the way through, with high power at the start of the roast ensure that the airflow results in convection heating rather than cooling.

The article seems to suggest that 250C is a rather cool PH setting for 500g; to me it seems like a pretty normal choice?


I’m not on the forum too much, but feel free to ask questions and tag me and I’ll try to get a reply for you.


Thanks for sharing the recipe! I haven’t tried it yet but am excited to see how it works with a Kenyan Nyeri Karuthi AA.

I was wondering if you have any recommendations for sourcing high quality green coffee for small roasters who aren’t able to purchase hundreds of pounds at a time. I’ve been using sources like Sweet Maria’s and Coffee Bean Corral which have had some very nice coffees, but I’m wondering what I may be missing out on from other sources.

I suppose the first question, seeing P9 and metric, are you on a 220v machine?

And if you are on a 120v bullet, do you have to keep the room temp below a certain threshold? Or do you use a fan to cool the electronics boards underneath the roaster?

So far, I have not been able to experiment with techniques like yours, because my roaster keeps overheating the boards and I’ve failed dozens and dozens of roasts trying to make P9 and higher PH temps work.

Do you mean small roasters as in home roaster or those that have a registered business and also sell coffee they roast on the Bullet, even if it’s from their home? The second is the better option, as all the importers will sell you even 1 bag, and there are 30 and 20kg bags, which would be 66 and 44lbs. If you’re just a home roaster, the options are not that varied. It’s the same as in the EU.

Thanks for sharing @veloandy , I guess one question I have is how would you adapt this roast profile/recipe if you were roasting washed beans and if you were roasting natural beans? Also, what are your thoughts / experience on using a soak phase and when would you use it?
Big thanks again for sharing your recipe :sparkles:
Kind regards


Kenyas are similar but I typically roast a little longer to get more sweetness to balance against the acidity.

Other sources: Ally Open, Mercon small box, Royal crown jewels

This was a 120v, in a convention center. Not particularly hot, maybe high 60s low 70s? I haven’t had similar issues with overheating, so I can’t give many tips there, sorry.

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I like a similar approach to Ethiopian Naturals, but these will tip/scorch more easily, so a little gentler beginning and end can go a long way. I used to soak, but don’t do it any longer for washed coffees, to try to keep as much heat as possible in the roaster. For a natural, I might start P6 for 45-60 seconds if I had tipping at full power.


God bless you Andy, very helpful feedback. Thanks again…


Yes, thank you!

Andy, just one last question please. Can you please elaborate on your reasons for using the F5 fan setting from start to finish?

Is is mainly to avoid scorching/tipping?
Or to avoid smokey flavours in the roasted beans?
Or simply to remove chaff more effectively?
Or something else completely?

I would love to know your thoughts.

Thanks again and best regards,


Yeah good question - the fan can have a cooling effect on the roast depending on the ambient temperature. The inlet air is heated only indirectly by passing through the roaster between the drum and induction unit. (If you think about the total heat in the roasting system, either you are adding heat through the air and less on the drum surface, or you are cooling the air but compensating with a hotter drum surface. I know some folks have successfully implemented this, but I haven’t had good results, I should test this more, it probably works well for some coffees and less for others.) But I also want the fan to be high enough to remove chaff and smoke. So I want to find the fastest fan set point where it is still low enough that it is still heating the roast, Typically, F5 is the highest if the environment is fairly warm, F4 for cooler conditions, and F3 if it is very very cold (I’ve roasted in a 45f garage before, but I don’t recommend that. Adding a space heater in the area can help).


Thanks for sharing this Andy and Aillio! I’d love to give this a go in my next roast.

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Thanks Andy. You have been amazing help and generous with your gift and your time. God bless…


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Would love to hear how it goes!


Is this generally the profile you might start with, or is this one of several approaches?

What are your “flavor” goals with a roast like this?

How are you balancing mouth feel vs say clarity. Or are you thinking in different terms, as far as your goals go?

What type of coffee do you enjoy lately?

Ps, love your logo. Genius.

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