V3.4.1 Drivers Not Working? Mac + Win11

Hey - anyone been able to successfully install a new Bullet V2 on Win11 or Mac OS? I have a secondhand Bullet I just picked up that’s not being recognized by either computer.

I’ve tried multiple USB cables. I’ve used these same USB cables to recognize other devices (e.g. my cell phone).

I’ve restarted multiple times, both the computers and the Bullet. I tried using Zadig mentioned elsewhere for the Win11 install and it doesn’t find the Aillio device.

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i’ve successfully install V2 on multiple Mac OS devices.

Hi @9hugos.K0xN,

Can you please give RT v4 (currently in Beta) a try? This has had some improvements with driver installation and firmware updating. You can find the latest version here: RoasTime 4 Open Beta and Testing

Please give the software at least 10 minutes to update to the latest version. This is done automatically and you should be notified of when it’s ready to restart.


Does the device show on the system at all? (Not via RT, but in device manager or via lsusb)

Hi, may I kindly ask if have you managed to successfully connect with the Aillio Bullet?
Thank you

i have successfully roasted with the Bullet connected to a Mac.

As it happens,I just bought a brand new bullet, and I had a very difficult time getting it to work with Windows 11. At the root of the problem seems to be that they use libusb comms and libusb is pretty wonky in Windows in general.

My solution was to use Zadig (http:/zadig.akeo.ie) to install WinUSB drivers to both Aillio Bullet Interface0 and Interface1. I’m afraid I’ll have to do this every time I start the computer, but I haven’t tested this yet.

I was able to successfully update the firmware last night and do two roasts with this setup.

You will not have to do that every time. The driver from Zadig is persisted. We do the same thing via the dependency installer in RT4.

This may not be helpful but I had no issues with Windows 11 and my roaster. Maybe a difference in PC manufacturer or USB drivers or something?

Lot of things could get in the way… but to your point - a well designed cable and software should reduce the occurrence of these troubles. Not sure how frequently people run into this…