Viewing logs on the Mac

I note that when I look in /Users/myaccount/Library/RoasTime/ I don’t see any logs in there. I see . and …

Am I missing where the logs are located for RoasTime on my Mac (a M3 MacBook Pro running Sequoia)?

When running a recipe, I get an error that I need to get out of since heat drops to 0 at a point where I’m changing the fan speed to going faster… When I manually reset the heat setting all continues to run…

Any ideas why?

Thanks in advance.

That is where logs should be at. What files do you see in there?

lsachs@LennysMBPro RoasTime % ls -al
total 0
drwx------@ 2 lsachs staff 64 Jan 15 2024 .
drwx------+ 18 lsachs staff 576 Sep 17 09:15 …

Hmm… Are you able to open RT? That is definitely odd. Are they hidden for some reason? I believe CMD+SHIFT+DOT should show hidden files.

Yes, I am able to open RoasTime (although right now not connected to the Ailillo)

I do see my Roasts, Recipes. Beans… (6.0 KB)
compressed the console log… wondering if the error is one of the ambient temperature being too high .