Volatile ROR

Hello All - I have been home roasting on bullet for 2 months now and finding ROR moving too much even when there are no change in any parameter. This is
resulting into unven roast. Have attached one profile screen shot for reference.

Would be great if someone can help me to understand why ROR is moving so much and if it’s normal.

I’m having a similar issue, keen to hear what others say.

Mine will even go much more crazy

This is normal behavior and is a tradeoff between noise (jagged lines) and delay of the data. If you see a very smooth ROR you can almost be sure that there is a huge delay and that the data shown is something that happened a while ago.
I would recommend that you set your Y2 axis to 25 C. You can do this in settings → Roast Config → Chart Defaults

if it goes ballistic, then the bean probe might be damaged. Please show us the graph.

Here is an example, you can see it started off ok, and then went a bit crazy.
The roast after this was fine as well.

That looks like a new probe is required. Contact aillio support.