Is anyone else experiencing weird sounds coming from the control panel? Like electrical frequency-noise variations. I havent noticed any disfunction but the sounds are quite annoying. Varies from time to time when I start up the roaster aswell and cant find a pattern of being able to regenerate specific noise and connect it to specific actions.
Its not a big thing I guess, just trying to figure out what the heck is going on.
It’s possible that the electrical frequency-noise variations you’re hearing from the control panel could be a result of the electrical components in your roaster. Some electrical components, such as transformers, can emit a buzzing or humming sound when they are operating.
If you haven’t noticed any other issues with your roaster, it’s likely that this sound is not indicative of a malfunction. However, if you are concerned about the sound, you may want to reach out to the manufacturer of your roaster for further advice or to see if other users have reported similar issues.
Hi , i am having same problem. What was the issue with yours and can you please check below youtube video link and kindly let me know if it is the same problem , if yes how did you solve . Thx
Hi , i am having same problem. What was the issue with yours and can you please check below link and kindly let me know if it is the same problem , if yes how did you solve . Thx
I have had the same exact buzzing sound coming from my R1V2 since October last year but the roaster is working just fine so I wouldn’t worry too much about it.
I think it has to do with the IBTS fan spinning faster than usual (mine’s at 16,000 on idle mode) and replacing it might be the best way to go about it. Still, I would urge you to open the control panel and see if there are any dust around the IBTS fan. Plug in to your computer and see how fast the fan is spinning.