Bean Inventory - Adding a new beans does not work [answered]

Hi Derrick - Appreciate your replies trying to get this all figured out.

In the dashboard I see Recent Beans shows 5 (assuming it is limited to 5) but I click See More, and it takes me to the My Beans page where it says I don’t have any in my inventory. When you undeleted the beans, the Recent Beans repopulated so I know it’s there but it’s just not showing up in My Beans. Any beans I add now do not show up despite a message stated they are added successfully.

When I came to Roast World, I started adding beans by the pound, then flipped over to kilos and added a few beans by kilo. I was really just trying to learn the inventory controls. Then I got frustrated, deleted all my beans, and wanted to just start over. Can this be why I can’t see any beans in My Beans now?

Can you just wipe/reset my roast world profile and let me start over? It behaves this way in Edge and Chrome.

As far as user experience goes, in my limited experience in Roast World, the only weight denomination is kilos and pounds. If you have 1 lb. 6 oz of beans, you can’t just use 1.06, you have to convert this with a calculator and enter 1.375 lb. for it to be accurate. If you are going to use partial pounds, there really needs to be a way to enter either all ounces (in this case it would be 22 oz) or enter lbs. + oz (in this case it would be 1 lb. 6 oz). With my 6 beans I found it extra work to do this conversion. Kilos are a lot easier obviously you can just move the decimal, but maybe giving the option to use grams and kilos would take the mindpower out of it when you’ve been roasting for a couple hours.

Another thing I noticed is that making a manual adjustment, you have to have weight and price, and neither can be zero for it to take. Because of this I had to start over with the beans because I didn’t have the price (per lb.) handy and was able to enter the weight when I added the bean. Once I got it all in, I went back to add the price and couldn’t because the cost couldn’t be zero or blank. I wasn’t making any weight changes though. Another thing is that the price only reflects total price, but to get a true cost of goods I would need to be able to enter total price per lb. I never use total price, because my product varies in size.

I know there are work arounds I could do to make this all work but this about the user experience. With Roast World inventory, I would love to use it as a real inventory tracker so I can have all my coffee stuff in my roasting laptop. My brain hurts after work and something more intuitive would be useful. I can write some ADO or Jira style user stories if you want.

Sure! I can do this for you.

Hey @jsims006,

I love the suggestion about allowing users to enter pounds and ounces separately. I think this can definitely improve the usability of this. I’ll work on this and get it out asap. Thanks!

I will fix the issue of allowing zero to be entered into the both the weight and price fields. I’ll see if I can the option to support cost per pound rather than total cost. But I can’t promise much about this as I’ll need to see if we can extend the current system to work this way.

No need to write thank Jira style user stories. I can use the comment to get them into our project tracker & i’ll work on adding them.

Thanks for the suggestions! I’ll ping you once I get these sorted out.


Hey @jsims006,

I removed all the beans from your profile & added a bean just to ensure that it does link correctly (feel free to remove it). Let me know if this fixes the issue for you.


Hello I am able to add beans and inventory now and it shows up in My Beans. Thanks for fixing this!

Back on the horse after an extended break and going through some teething issues. I am currently on RT V3.4.1 and when last used, had the problem of not being able to find all my beans using the RT filter.

I fixed the Beans Missing in RT issue by deleting the RT folders in appdata but now I get a limit of 20 showing with no page scrolling available. I know I have more than 20 of some beans roasted, it just won’t show beyond the most recent 20 roasts. Can someone point me to the fix for this please before I go to upgrades?