Deep cleaning and my bearing sticks in the front door rather than staying on the shaft. I’d like to clean it but I don’t want to damage it removing it from the door. Any thoughts out there?..or should I continue to try to tap it out?
Deep cleaning and my bearing sticks in the front door rather than staying on the shaft. I’d like to clean it but I don’t want to damage it removing it from the door. Any thoughts out there?..or should I continue to try to tap it out?
That’s as designed: it’s a press fit and is intended to stay in the front panel. Just clean as best you can trying to keep cleaning fluids out of the race. I haven’t seen any issue from this approach in 2.5 yrs of regular use. I do have a few spares on hand just in case but have so far had no need.
Keep track of the washers on the front of the drum shaft: they are spacers and are used to establish the clearance between the front of the drum and the front plate. The thickness was selected to get the clearance exactly right.
Thanks for the reply. I was unsure since a deep cleaning vid I was viewing as a guide had shown the bearing separate from the front panel. Was that an earlier version of the Bullet?
Most likely the bearing had been removed so many times the bearing had loosened. As far as I know the bearing in the V1 was a light press fit as well. I believe (within a range of tolerances) owners need to use a “persuader”.
Does anybody know the size/dimension of the drum washers? Lost one while cleaning and can’t find one that matches locally.
Good timing, just doing a cleaning. The washer behind the bearing on the faceplate end of the shaft looks like 10mm x 16mm x 1mm:
Just bought some from McMaster-Carr. They’re “shim washers”. Not cheap; about $1.50ea, but now I have extra if anyone needs some.
Anyone happen to know the “perfect” clearance?
I have extra washer/spacers, and while i feel the drum is perfectly close to the front plate (no noise and very little gap), i obviously don’t know. often these questions get answered on forums or in customer support but don’t always find their way into the user manual.
If you aren’t getting contact/scraping of the drum against the face plate and you aren’t getting small beans falling into that same gap and jamming the drum or breaking the beans, you have the right combination of spacers & thickness.
There is a potential issue related to returning the face plate to the same vertical location after cleaning, but if you’re consistent about how you position the face plate as you insert & tighten the screws it shouldn’t be an issue. I keep upward pressure on the face plate as I go thru installing the screws then tightening them, but you may find pressure down or to one side or the other is what your roaster needs.
My Bullet has an accumulation of mechanical tolerances that causes the drum to make slight contact during the later part of preheat. I can hear a little scraping on occasion (depends on room ambient), but after a couple minutes it fades away. It was worrying initially but it’s never proven to be an issue.
The issue with beans dropping into the gap at the front of the drum is related to bean size. I had an issue with a pre-blend that included both small & medium sized beans. The variety that was small would get into the gap. That took a couple tries to get the right combination of spacer thickness.