Bullet does not connect to Roast time...says disconnected

@millewis.aZqX @bullettrain @dhooser.IrbX Let me know if those steps in the thread do not resolve your issue. I am happy to jump on a call with anyone to rectify any issues. Thank you for raising the issue.

Thanks for the fix. Installed the new version on my mac and the connection to Bullet is active according to Roastime. Did not actually perform a roast.

Hi, I have the same problem. I updated to 4.8.0 and deleted the dependencies on my MacBook but the roaster still not connecting to the RoastTime. Could you please help me?


What version of MacOS are you running? Can you run through the steps outlined in this topic: How To: Self Debugging USB Issues - #2 and let me know the results?



Appreciate the honesty and transparency. I am not usually one to complain just to complain. I am glad this is being worked on!