Can not login to roastime4

I’ve just upgrade roastime to 4.3.2 ( from 3.4.1). When I launch the application, it comes to login screen. I can’t login, the message shows that my password is wrong. I reset my password and login again. Same result. I reinstall the old version (3.4.1) and still can’t login. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I reset password and can login with version 3.4.1. But version 4 still can not login.

Problem solved without doing anything , lucky me :slightly_smiling_face:


I just downloaded version 4.6.15. I had a super old one and didn’t remember my password so I reset it. I’m getting an error:

Firebase: Error (auth/network-requeste-failed).

Anyone having this issue?

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RT4 likely didn’t finish installing. If you look in Edit Settings → Software you should see this…

(this is on a Windows machine).

My guess is you’re missing Proxy services (backend) or there’s a d/l error. Possibly never finished d/l’ing before you opened RT4. Probably related to the authentication error mentioned. Maybe uninstall then try again… ?? If it repeats then you’ll need some guidance from someone who knows what they’re doing (and that’s not me!) like Support or the dealer where you bought the Bullet.


@rpaguaga12 Can you download v4.6.16 from or let it update silently in the background?

There is a new option to “Sign in With RoastWorld”. Can you see if that works?

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Hey @dkyao , have you tried accessing RT4 using a VPN? Your error is coming from blocked network requests

Are you saying RT blocks VPNs?

Because I am having problems logging to RT4 with a VPN, from China. And no way to login without one.

I am trying to run RT4 on a Win10 old laptop.

您好,我用VPN登录RT3是一切正常的,但是RT4就不行,不知道怎么解决。截图里就有RT4和RT3的。 :face_with_monocle: