Create a new bean rounding to nearest whole kg

I’m trying to add 4.53kg of a new bean to my inventory on, and it gives me the message “Please select a valid value. The two nearest values are 4 and 5.”

I don’t want to add 4 or 5. I want to add 4.53, like I’ve been doing for years at this point.

Can we fix that?

try to add 5 and the substract .47

That will add a few more inputs on my part, which does not address my issue with what I see as a negative change to a program I’ve been using for years.

I appreciate the input.

I had the same issue and reported this bug back in July of 2023.

They were able to duplicate it and were going to track it.

I just had the same problem today when adding some new beans. Hope this gets fixed. Otherwise the inventory function is useless.

Yikes, that was a year ago and no update?

It happens to me without hitting backspace at all in that field. It happens on both Windows and Mac. I haven’t tried mobile yet.

I’m adding more beans to my inventory now, and getting the same issue. This time, it’s not during a roast, so it’s way less frustrating. Still very annoying though.

It has only happened to me when trying to add a bean that someone else has already created in the system. This isn’t the first time I’ve added beans like this, but it might be important info if Aillio needs to reproduce this issue.

Fresh page, adding a bean that exists in the system already, highlighting the default “0” in the “Start Weight (kg)” field, entering a decimal number:

Just tested creating a new bean, not in the system. Same issue, will not accept decimal numbers.

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Can also confirm same regression here. Previously it was possible to enter 10lbs as 4.54kg, now have to enter 5 and then enter an adjustment.