Garbled speaker/screech on startup

Video of speaker noise on startup

Has anyone had this before? I just picked this roaster up used. The speaker generally seems to work ok after the initial startup but upon the initial boot it makes a static, screeching sound when announcing itself. If I had to guess the speaker is bad but I don’t see anyone else in the forum that has had this particular issue. The control panel itself seems to work as expected.

If anyone has any insight that would be appreciated.

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There was an issue with a firmware update about a year ago that caused a similar problem.

Since you have a used Bullet, the firmware may be the culprit.

Thanks @billc, I neglected to mention the first thing I did was update the firmware to the latest. It was on 602.

I will check out what the other folks did in that thread and see if I can get it to fix my issue.

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You might need to reach out to [email protected] for help with fixing this.


Support has an app you can use on windows to restore the sounds.

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Thanks all, I have reached out to support.

In case anyone comes across this later support was able to resolve my issue. Once I ran the provided sound updater the issue was gone.

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