Light (nordic style) roasts , how to ? šŸ˜¢

If this is the same video from the roast basics course that was free, I belive he says there he was aiming for agtron 75 which he mentions as a medium roast.

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In the basic course he talks about a standard roast of 9 to FC and 3 minutes to midway between FC and SC (determined by first doing a full flame full batch roast). He says that should hit Agtron 75, by which I think he means the ground Agtron score. Other than in one of his research papers, he never indicates whether he is referring to whole or ground. However, in this roast demo on the bullet, he says its a Scandinavian roast, but does not mention the Agtron score.

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You just summarized and described what Iā€™ve been trying to achieve as well: Sweet light Roasts. Of course, it goes without saying you have to start with high-quality green beans. I discovered the hard way that I was trying to get a specific sweet flavor from a bean that it never even had. :rofl:

I have had excellent results with the light roast found in the Bullet Manual (I would argue that itā€™s not just for filter coffee like they suggest, I have been able to get pretty sweet roasts that I use for espresso).

It does seem that hot and fast starts with sudden stops are the best for getting the sweet light roasts! I have a link to a Rwanda Washed that turned out with no hay or grassy notes and had some pretty good sweetness to it. Although I have had sweeter.

If I were to do this roast again, I would not change from F3 to F4 and then drop it at 30 dev time instead of 1:00 dev time. However, I would also like to get to FC a little quicker, so I will try keeping it at P7-F2 longer.

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I am using roast color meter to do the measuring after the roast (measured within 30 minutes after the roast ) The one I am using is Roastriteā€¦there are many equivalent ones out in the market

If youā€™re asking where in the roast profiles on RW you can find that Agtron (or equivalent) you wonā€™t find it. I input my RoastVision (aka EspressoVision) score in my roast profileā€™s notes attribute in RT which I am not sure is public info on RW.

Youā€™re right.
Notes are not public

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Seems like an odd omission to leave out a structured field for Agtron, especially since color is around 80% of flavor according to Munchowā€™s research. Is there a way to request features for Roastime? Artisa has a color entry in Roast Properties with fields for Whole and Ground and a pull down to indicate the scale (e.g., Agtron, Tonino, etc.).

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When you create a new post there is a way to categorize/tag it as an RW or RT feature request.

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Hey all,
Missed this thread intitially but this result has been my goal from day 1. I used to get it on-demand with my Huky but the transition has been terrible.

Finally started getting somewhere by using the Rob Hoos profile he posted for a cupping roast a while back so I used this as a base.

I donā€™t consider the attachment a ā€œnailed downā€ profile but a starting point. And, excuse the lack of markings (yellow, 1C, etc).

The point is that I got a fully developed and extremely tasty light roast using a 150 gram charge of a washed Nicaragua. I would consider it Nordic style because of interior/exterior/ground colors and low drop temps. Nice and sweet, similar to my Huky notes were I was nailing it.


I just heard back from Morten Munchow regarding the Bullet video in which he says this is a Scandinavian roastā€¦ in short, it is not. His response: ā€œI think I mention that I like fast roasts in general as that is the Scandinavian style to roast fast to get more fruit. But the particular roast in the course is roasted a bit dark, which is not the scandinavian style which is a combination of fast and light where the one in the course is dark. Sorry it is unclear and thank you for letting me know.ā€


Thanks for the update.
Thatā€™s not surprising at all, none of the parameters were pointing at a light roast there.

Did he by any chance say if and how it is possible to roast this style on the bullet?


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He didnā€™t, but Iā€™m taking his roaster fundamentals on the Bullet on Sept. 19th and I intend to ask if there is time.

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Saw this in a previous post and was successful in modifying it to accommodate drum modulation:

Pic of the beans after roast:


The profile looks too slow to first crack for a Nordic roast. For comparison, here is a photo (color not quite right in the photo) of the August 2022 Wendelboe subscription coffee, Caballero Catuai. I measured Agtron whole/ground: 70/109. Can you measure the color of your roast?

To me this Catuai is just ok. It is mostly on the chocolate side, which I donā€™t think works all that well with such a light roast. I have tried it at a few different TDSs without really changing my thoughts of it.

I ordered three bags for next months subscription, because each is a different coffee. Iā€™m only subscribing to get a sense for how his light roasts taste and measure on the Agtron scale.

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@toddjohnson What makes you think itā€™s too slow?

Nordic roasts are supposed to be fast, but this roast has yellowing at 4:46 and first crack at 9:24. Those are what I shoot for for a normal light to medium roast.

Just tried the roast.

Got that barely greenish tang in the background with full flavor notes.

Extremely satisfying on filter even after only 3 days after roast. Waiting to test it on espressos.

If too fast there is a risk for under development resulting in a ā€œgreenishā€ cup which can be rather unpleasant. I think what @otaibimn did works for a light roast. But this begs the question: What is the definition of ā€œNordic roastā€? Isnā€™t it a light roast?


Exactly. Is it just a super light roast? Or is speed to that light roast important? It seems odd that I cannot find a clear definition. Perhaps it is any light roast that someone who roasts in the Nordic style calls the Nordic style :slight_smile:

Indeedā€¦ labels without clear definition is confusing :slight_smile: My pet peeve is when someone calls a brew ā€œstrongā€ and they canā€™t define itā€¦ and I donā€™t know what that means either!