Power outage during roast, lack of power on following roasts?

Hey all,

Weird question perhaps.

After hitting 30kg I did a deep clean on the bullet. Everything went smoothy, no issues.

Fired the bullet up for some roasting and while it was preheating a tremendous thunderstorm rolled in, didn’t think much of it. Charge is ready, I put in some beans and start roasting…just after yellowing phase we lost power from a nearby lightening strike. Boom.

I reset the brakers and turned the bullet back on and was met with a bunch of error messages. I dumped the beans, cooled down the bullet. Checked to make sure everything was secure and functioning and it all seemed okay.

Start roasting and notice that I am not hitting the heat parameters like I was before. On the next two roasts I did, both with beans I’ve roasted multiple times before, they took longer and didn’t hit end temperatures I was looking for. RoR was off as well. Everything looked okay and I was not getting any error messages, but the profiles didn’t line up nearly as close as they previously did.

here are some photos of the roasts for comparison: https://imgur.com/a/2b5IPlw

I would like to roast again soon but wondering if I fried something or there is some other reason I am not getting enough power to these roasts…want to fix that before I start baking/wasting beans here!

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I had a look at your comparisons and it seems like the bean probe is a bit higher on the fast roast. If you have a power meter (kill a watt) you could use it to check the power at each power setting.
Your IBTS could also be dirty if you turn off the power during a roast - a lot of smoke will get on the sensor and disturb the reading. Try cleaning the IBTS sensor.

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The first roast (yirgacheffe) was done after I cleaned the IBTS sensor during the deep-clean before the power-outage, so I am not sure if that would be it, although I just cleaned it again to make sure.

No power meter but perhaps I should buy one? Not sure what else could be the case here…

I just had a similar situation. After 2 batches were successfully roasted as normal, I started the 3ed batch, only 300g. In 2-3 min, the power was out. When the power is back on, I can get the temperature set but after I loaded the beans the roaster can’t produce the power (heat), and the ROR remained on average 2-3degree/min.

This sounds exactly like what happened to me. Did you fix this by chance or figure out what happened?