RoasTime 3 Release Official Thread

The beta is the best firmware, stick to it. If you keep having problems with freeze please try explain exactly what you did and let us know.

And thanks for your feedback.
2) For the IBTS ROR we use an EMA filter.
3) yes a little bit. IBTS ROR is post processed in RoasTime
4) You can turn down the volume in the settings on your Bullet.

We are working on the other points as well, cheers.

Thanks @jacob for your answers.
Sorry for the lack of information about the freeze as I was trying to fix the issue and to not lose the batch.
Ok, I keep going with the beta. Thanks @bab !
And I missed the volume settings…

Kind regards

In November 20 I asked:

And you replied:

Is there a priority change?

How about using % of max power?
Control with F2+(+/-) for a 5 step? Or even add a pulse rotating dial?


P0 is 200W?

I have thought of using a ‘PWM’ for virtually implementing a mid step power setting.
Achieve 1325W by switching between P8 and P7 every X seconds.
What do you think of the idea?
Is there any risk of damage to the power board doing so?


Check here for power setting nominal values.


Thank you Bruce,

P0 = 0W and that sounds better :slight_smile:
So the formula applies from P1.


Yes: P0 = 0W, P1 = 350W, then P2 = P1 + 150W, P3 = P2 + 150W, … (etc.)

Only very few people have requested additional power steps, so for now the priorities are the same, and we don’t plan on adding more power steps in the foreseeable future.

Yes, you can do your own PWM that should be fine. Just take into consideration that it takes time for the board to ramp up/down, so the period should be fairly long; 10-15 seconds I would think is reasonable.

Maybe you can get a good analog synth tone with PWM at the same time. lol :wink:

A blue note :wink:

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Thanks @jacob.
So no contraindication, no risk to age the induction power board or burn it ?

No it is very well protected and as such no component is stressed more by doing that. In theory these boards should (in theory) last 20+ years. Every component that can degrade over time are carefully chosen for its long life at high temperature, unlike your average TV / consumer electronics that often fail very quickly, perhaps by design.


Thank you @jacob
I heard you or maybe your brother, in a podcast, talking about the care of choosing long lasting parts, and obviously reliable design.
Edit: Sweet Maria’s podcast, with Jonas :wink:

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The Debian file fir 3.1.7 is still not available on the download page. The link is greyed out.

Did you go here?

I was able to find the .deb link and start the d/l process (though I didn’t launch the d/l).

When do we expect to get documentation/user guide on RT3? Nothing on the RoasTime™ website or is it somewhere else?

I am beginning to work with overlay, playback and saved recipes and not sure I have it correct. I thought a saved recipe would make the Bullet follow the changes automatically with no manual intervention required, is this not the case?

I am also looking to migrate a Bullet recipe to a Giesen 15kg gas roaster, upscaling initially to a 3-5kg batch load to check transportability, then do full 12kg loads using this recipe. Can I import a Bullet saved recipe (from Windows PC) to Giesen roast profiling software platform (running on Mac Pro)?

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有免费好用的VPN for MacOS吗?

Thanks Bab. That is a good link. It’s odd that if you Google “aillio roastime download linux”, you get to a page that has Windows and Apple/Mac dl, but not Linux…
