RoastRatings & A-02

Hello there Roasters,

I’m coming from a Gene Cafe that I have used for years, currently enjoying the Bullet as a home roaster. And what a huge difference it is, so far enjoying the journey. Although I realize I have to learn a lot.

This is my second roast and my first one i had to throw it away… simply too sour. Almost undrinkable. Temperature was too low during the roast.

Today I wrote myself out the following roast goal:
-I want to aim for an espresso profile with FC between 09:00 - 10:00, and end of roast between 11:00 - 12:30.

I did a pre-heat of 195, with 250gr beans and a 1 minute soaking.
The end of the roast some beans got slightly oils on it. I think my roast went too fast. Also around the end I got the A-02, I remember having this before as well. Is this an usual thing?

another question; can I also cool down from the RoastTime software? Clicking on PRS did not work so later I clicked PRS at the roaster itself and it went to Cooldown mode, so i could release the beans.

Next time i’ll try pre-heat 175C, and roasting at P6 instead of P7, with fan speed going from F2 to F4 around FC. What do you think?

Thanks in advance, from a roast rookie.

Please read the datasheet about the A-02 warning otherwise you might ruin your future roasts.

For sample roasting you can have a look at this:

As for the 250g I would search for recipes on to get some inspiration.

There is also Andrew’s 500g roast which might be of interest:

I think P7 is too much for a 250g batch unless it is a short duration. I would keep the preheat above 200 and just run less power.

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Thank you Jacob, these are some very helpfull links!
Will look for some inspiration and follow some recipes to get a little bit feeling for the machine.