RoastTime Freezing mid roast

Ever since the new roast time software, every roast starts fine and then about 5 mins in, the software freezs. The roaster carries on working, but all readings and controls in the software on the PC stop.

Any ideas?

Did you download the latest update that came out on Friday? Roast Time 2.0.7 Windows Update

Yes, I did download it. Happened before and after the update!
Not sure why it is happening…
but very frustrating

That happened to me with earlier versions and agree that it is frustrating. Perhaps @matthew or @jacob can troubleshoot and diagnose

Hey @sspruch,

Sorry for the late reply, I just finished a move back to my home country. We have about 5 or so users having the same issue as you, I am still trying to debug it, but has proven difficult without replication for me.

Can you send me your system specs? (OS, CPU, Memory)

PS. Thanks for the mention @Sambo


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I’m still having a similar issue using 2.0.7 (I think that the latest, its xx.7).

What i found is if I’m overlaying a previous profile and my Internet drops out (yes it happens even with Australias Premier ISP) then RoasTime hangs.

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Same problem here, also poor internet connection where I am roasting.

My issues with RoasTime freezing have been less regular but still occasionally occur. When it does freeze up it is caused by the following:

  • manually pressing “PRS” button to initiate “charge”
  • occasionally when I manually initiate the charge, it skips the charge stage and goes straight into “roasting”
  • at this point, RoasTime is frozen
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Same… Brand new Macbook pro, latest apple software and latest roastime and it stops around 4:50 and then blanks and the roast is gone. Its happened 2 of the last 4 roasts… major bummer.

I’ve had it happen both ways… PRS or normal “charge”
but always freezes between 4 and 5 minutes

I have problems when roasting with the Bullet R1 and my MBP 2024 with M4. The connection is reliable so far, but I have the problem that the recording of the current roast freezes and I cannot start a new roast even after restarting the software, it then tells me that preheating cannot be started. Even restarting the roaster (briefly pulling the plug) and RoasTime doesn’t help.

Recently, after a few minutes, the roasting recording in RoesTime got stuck, i.e. the temperature curve and everything else was no longer recorded and the software basically crashed. I then carried out the roasts on foot with the roaster without software support.

I then followed the steps described in the Roast World Community:

  1. I installed the new RoasTime version v4.8.0 for MacOS.
  2. executed the command “rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/RoasTime/deps” in the MacOS terminal
  3. then I checked that everything in the folder “~/Library/Application\ Support/RoasTime/deps” had actually been deleted.

On a new try, the first roast went through successfully, on the second roast the software got stuck again and restarting the computer or roaster didn’t help. I have not tried deleting the above folder again.

I completely deleted RoasTime and the application’s hidden folders from the MacOS computer, emptied the trash, restarted and then re-downloaded and reinstalled RoasTime. It did not help. RoasTime froze when heating up. After “refreshing” and reinstalling the “dependencies” it ran again and then RoasTime or the roasting companion froze after the 1st crack.

I then got out my old MacBook with the M1 chip and tried it. I first had to update the RoasTime software. I did 2 roasts with the old MacBook without any problems, as I was used to.

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I helped them test roast with the M4 chip a few weeks ago. They are working on it. Apparently the new windows also having issues.
Use the old laptp is the current solution till new release. They are aware.


I was having the issue and remembered that I’d installed the Beta firmware against my better judgment. When re-installing the public version of firmware, the issue seems to have resolved itself.