The R2 Question for me is

Is that bean cooling tray :star_struck: backwards compatible with the R1 v2, err Classic??


One of my first thoughts also.

With the extra induction power, they are saying that the new machines can get from PH to first crack in about 5 minutes for a 1 kilo batch.

For those of you who don’t know what we are talking about, Aillio just announced two new Bullet models:

the ability to upgrade the induction board to the new one would be much welcomed

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That would be nice but I don’t think that will happen.

I would guess that they did some major re-engineering and did not JUST upgrade the induction board. For them to be able to roast the beans to fist crack in about half the time is going to require that the induction coils be upgraded and maybe even the drum.

They are also talking about monitoring the sir flow through the drum and if the chaff filter gets blocked, the bullet will change the Fan setting to get it back on track.

Pretty impressive upgrades.

Right about now, I wish that I hadn’t spent all that money on the hacks that I made to my bullet.


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Maybe I should search more, but I’m too lazy to do it. I’m only interested in the difference in power consumption. Maybe also if we have to hold the door handle until the beans come out as they’ve moved it to the left, so it’s no longer possible to wedge it with the tryer. Maybe I’ll have more questions when I see it in person.

I guess technically replacing the drum and the induction coils should be doable but hey we’ll have to wait and see. they did say that you can upgrade some of the components to get similar features and for me the air flow monitor that would calibrate the fan accordingly is the most interesting.

your upgrades are actually awesome, even more useful than the hacks themselves is the idea of unlimited possibilities that you made me see

More on the specs for the new Bullets:

The R2 Pro looks like it will require a 20 amp service (at 200V AC)

2300 Watts = ~20 Amps. 1700 Watts =~15 Amps.
These are just the induction power requirements.

Stirrer for the R2 Pro

Built in LED spotlight aimed at the window.

One of the big things in my opinion is the easily removable control panel without having to worry about wire harnesses snagging

There are a couple of YouTube videos

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We just finished the expo, so keep the questions coming and we will try to answer them here :star_struck:

Yes, the Pro Cooling tray will be available for the R1, but it will be supplied with an additional powersupply as the power from R1 is not sufficient to run both the fan, and the agitator at the same time.

The power increase has to do with optimization on the induction frequency (and related components) and a redesigned way to cool the coil and IGBTs. We are now only using a single blower, instead of two fans - less to go wrong.

The drum and its materials are exactly the same.

The protocol that we use to communicate from the controller to the induction module has changed to CAN, so its not possible to just upgrade the induction PCB. We also needed more space for better airflow, so the legs have changed to allow for this.

The great news is that its possible to upgrade an R1 to and R2, but making this compatibility was not easy - but worth doing! You can even upgrade the R1 to and R2 Pro !
Availability and a time frame for when this will be available I cant say for sure, but I hope it can be ready late in Q4 depending on part availability.



Will the R2 models do a better job keeping the IBTS clean when roasting (e.g.) naturals, or will the primary value (in this circumstance) be “the IBTS is going to be much easier to clean” due to the new magnetic(?) attachment?

The IBTS on the R2 is mounted with 2 screws, compared to the 2 pins that are inserted into the rubber on R1. This means a better seal between the IBTS and rubber. A bad seal is the primary reason for dirty sensors.
To clean the IBTS you can either take off the whole front plate, which now is without a cable, or you can take off the control housing, and then screws the IBTS off for cleaning. Much easier than previously.

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Regarding the R2 flow sensor, will this (only—although impressive) adjust the blower fan and display a cleaning warning, or will it also provide an additional data point/airflow graph, etc., in Roasttime?


Will there be first crack detection software/microphone added in the future? :smiley:


The airflow is constant for each fan settings, so showing it would not be very valuable - a straight line.
In addition to always keeping the same airflow no matter the restriction of the filter, it will also alert to a dirty filter or too much external airflow.

We are always working on features which makes roasting easier and gives better data :slight_smile:


Hey Jacob, arguably the biggest “drawback” of the bullet design is that it takes in ambient air which does little to maximise convective heat transfer as the fan speed is increased.
Any plans to improve/optimise this part of the design?

Increasing the convective heat transfer capability of the bullet would be of significant value to roasting quality outcomes.


Will the R2 still have trouble when the ambient temp exceeds 30°C or was that limit raised?

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  1. Does the “Pro”version still have plastic in the airflow path? I worry about plastic fumes (health longer term) and also warping when things get hot, causing air leaks (since airflow is very sensitive a small leak or variation can have effects on profiles)

  2. Will there be any movement towards preheating the intake air to help with convective energy?

  3. Or at least a way to chart the airflow temperatures? I have seen airflow temps fall or flick while the IBTS is steadily rising. The airflow still has a big effect on the flavor.

The basic drum and airflow remains the same. Some of the air is preheated as it flows under the drum. We wanted the R2 to directly be able to use profiles from the R1.

The electronics now run a lot cooler than before.

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  1. Airflow path remains the same.
  2. The R2 does not have this
  3. We had this before but it didn’t provides valuable data.