As the title says it, I’m wondering if you all are finding you hate certain batch sizes than others?
I, for one, can’t seem to roast over 1lbs without overheating the boards, but find anything less to be only practical for sample batches and personal use.
But over time, I began to wonder, is 1lbs a good batch size for this roaster? One of the issues I seem to run into is the power stepping, where 10% jumps are very big, and often require work arounds. The stainless drum and power are very nimble, which is nice, but the settings for POWER and FAN are a bit of a frustration at 1lbs. F1.5, F2.5, and F3.5 would be an interesting options too.
Right now I am considering moving to a different batch size that is more conducive to the 10% paradigm. I see a lot of people like the 500g (a bit more weight, which may work with a power setting better than 1lbs batches)
And this is not a big batch vs small batch issue, in my mind. I really like some of the 200g batches I have done, and feel there can be a type of clarity to them. Though they are temperamental, and I generally feel a little more blind when roasting them. As environmental factors are more influential.
I like my testing with the 2lbs to 1Kg batches, but my machine absolutely cannot sustain the load without the boards underneath overheating. I’ve never had reliable results with P8 or P9 without the system auto shutting off mid batch. I have installed a fan underneath, and that allows me to temporarily use P9, or not have to worry about P7, but if the fan is any stronger, it seems to actually cool the roaster down a little. And all kinds of dust and coffee particle build up.
So, despite me loving how a 1lbs green batch turns into a 12oz bag with enough left over to sample, I’ve grown a little frustrated with how it feels like the power settings are either too strong or too weak by “5%”. But what to do with the extra beans on a 500g roast? Just roast darker?
Anyway, 1lbs has become one of my least favorite batch sizes, and I have begun experimenting with switching back and frothed between some settings, so that I can hit the right energy.
And for 200g batches, it is kind of love/hate. They can be some of the best and some of the worst. But because of the high highs, I still prefer them to the 1lbs.
Above 800g, and the power boards are the enemy.
But if any of you are liking the 2lbs or full 1Kg batch sizes in flavor better than 1lbs, or the same as you 500g batches, then i may figure out a better power board situation. I just hate pushing electronics to their limit. Wouldn’t mind the time savings though.
So, do you have a WORST batch size?