Unknown Bug that erases roast titles, corrections, and descriptions

But yeah, thanks. If I could go back in time, I don’t think I would have gotten a bullet.

If I ever get through to the other side, I’ll end up having a ton of good info, from all the fails. But until then it is just theory as to what might be good

I’ve had this happen a few times now in 15 months. Don’t actually know a common denominator of actions leading up to it’s occurrence other than editing information post roast such as final weight and perhaps bean selection.

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Yes, that could be part of it, I felt like the roast I edited during roasting did not erase. But I wasn’t paying attention, but yes, occasionally a roast won’t erase written info.

I assumed the issue was caused from adding roast data from the prior year to my “roasts” folder so that I have access. Again, I don’t roast in my home, so I don’t have internet and have to deal with those limitations. But after signing in to roast world (either by taking the computer somewhere else, or a hotspot) is really when the issue happened. However, this was not an issue with older softeware, just RT4 and fw610

Hey all,

We are working to figure out what is causing this issue. But we’ve had no luck recreating it. Would you all be able to provide a more detailed explanation of the workflow you are going through that’s causing this issue.

It would also help if you can provide details about what version of RT you are using and what version of your OS you are on.

Thanks in advance for your help!


From memory (always iffy!)-

I’ve had no issue creating Notes during the early part of the roast (Roast page). However I have found various errors if I try to edit those same notes mid-roast (again, Roast page). Editing post-roast has worked ok but that occurs on the Roast History/Profile Display pages.
f/w 610
Main 4.6.16
Client 1.118.5, Proxy v1.42.2, Comm v1.10.58 (I see I have a new Client to install)


Edit- on a Win11 system

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  • Mac OS Mojave, Intel processor
  • RT4
  • FW610
  • Bullet V2

The thing I did out of the ordinary was paste old roast files into the “roasts” folder after signing out of roast world.

Same here, I have been able to add notes (to the curve) during the notes, but anything edited in the edit window gets erased, so titles and descriptions, as well as corrections to yellow time, and so on.

Sorry it is happening to you, as well. I’m already in a state of pause, so this only affects my testing and nothing more regular.

An update after a 3 week pause in roasting-
Roasted with Client 1.119.01, Proxy v1.42.2, Comm v1.10.58. No issues with Editing roast Comments during Preheat, Roast or post-roast either on the Roast page or anywhere within Roast History. Any issues I thought I recalled have all been addressed.

Again this is on a Win11 installation.


Interesting, I’ve been taking a pause the last few days, maybe it will just sort of work out? Is this a new year Y2K thing? Haha, jk.

Yes, I have been having trouble with my roast names, bean, and green and roasted weight info disappearing. It appears to save and then next time I click on the roast or open roastime they are empty. It has been pretty frustrating.

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@ferg does this happen consistently? Happy to to do a screenshare with someone to get this sorted out.

It has happened during my last three roast sessions, each comprising of multiple roasts. I wrote down the info and put it in later and it seemed to work, but then when I opened up Roastime today to review profiles, the last three roasts from the most recent session were gone again.

Are you always online syncing, or primarily roast offline?

I get the same result if I edit the roast title while I am roasting, it seems to retain the title, but anything I edit after the roast is done, gets erased.

Yep, so far, editing the roast title and info during the roast is the work around for now.

Just have to click on “edit current roast” while roasting.

Unfortunately, any closing comments or edits to Yellow or FC made after the roast get deleted/erased

Also, I’ll confirm that deleting the “indexes” folder does not fix the issue.

I’ve also deleted all of the folders and that did not fix the issue.

I’m about to start uninstalling the app, and if that doesn’t work, I guess I’ll have to try reinstalling my OS? lol.

Are you sync’ing online?

I’m assuming if you sync, it isn’t an issue, but I don’t have internet where I roast unless I used a hotspot(of which I have very little, so I don’t use often)

Are you syncing online?