White residue back pulley

Hello fellow roasters,

I noticed some white residue (smoke residue?) on the back pulley while doing my cleanup. Any idea what this is? Should I be concerned? Should I dismantle the back end of the bullet to clean everything?

FWIW, I have roasted about 350KG with the bullet so far. Doing bi-monthly cleanups of impeller, IBTS, front plate, etc.



What does it feel like? Plastic? Or Organic? Could be a spider that climbed in there and made some webs.

I had an issue where the pulley was hitting the bearing fitting and shaved shavings off the pulley. Might be worth pulling pulley and checking?

Hi @lgd,

It’s really hard to tell without a close-up, but usually, some dust will accumulate in that area. For your information, it’s really hard for any organism to survive the heat in there (70 to 80C at the very least during roasting). If you are really concerned, you can try taking off the Pulley and clean it.

Best regards,

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