Is my IR glass ruined? [pics]

I bought a used V1, and it’s not working after a firmware upgrade. I kept the IR glass moist with 100% Simple Green overnight, and rubbed it with a cloth for a couple minutes this morning. The bean-side is still matte black.

I’m intending to upgrade to IBTS, but I’d like to start using the machine in the interim. Does my IR glass look ruined to you? Can I polish off the carbon with a buffer wheel?

Here are pictures of the glass – the teal-ish one is the sensor side, and the flat black one is the bean side.

Yes it looks damaged.
I would upgrade to the IBTS. In the mean time you can use it if you are careful, and I would not preheat to more than 180C. Watch the bean probe that it does not go too high - 245C is maximum.


Thanks Jacob. My IBTS is here, but seems like it might have a defective RPM sensor, so I’m back to using the old IR sensor until that’s sorted out.

I polished the glass with a buffer expecting that it would ruin the coating and I’d have to clean it every couple of roasts, but I think I’ve made it IR-opaque. Oh well, not really worse than it was. :person_shrugging:

Update for posterity:

I’m informed by support that once you install an IBTS, the machine cannot be reverted to old-style IR by any means. The IR sensor may work, but it will error out on low IBTS fan RPM.

Got to say I’m super impressed by Aillio’s tech support through all this, even though I’m pretty disappointed in the non-revertable upgrade.

They are Danes after all. What else did you expect. Excellence is in their DNA. :blush:

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