Roastime crashing

I am roasting on Debian Testing with latest RoasTime 4, no problems so far. My last successful roast was on May 9th.

When I wanted to roast yesterday, however, RoasTime crashed with a SEGFAULT in the Chromium process. I am not 100% sure if it was right away or after the usual update-restart. Anyway, it seems to have something to do with window size. When I reduce window size to


then the app starts. The weird thing is that I had it running with a wider window as well, but when I tried to find the breaking window size I had to go down further than before. That is at some point it worked with width 1600, but now it doesn’t.
Before I had the window maximized, but when I do that now the app crashes right away.

Any ideas what’s going on here?

On windows there is a file called “window-state.json” which saves the last state of the window (not sure about Linux). Perhaps this is corrupted or set out of bounds? You could try deleting / changing it. On windows it is found in: …\AppData\Roaming\RoasTime

Actually, I edited that file in order to try out different window sizes. You can see the full content of a working file quoted in my original message.

@sturmdcwm Which specific version are you running on the main process? Is it 4.6.36? I did a large upgrade of Electron in the latest version, so I wonder if there was a breaking change with this.

Does this only happen on startup? I assume you can make the window bigger after the fact?

Yes, I run 4.6.36. I can resize the window at will while the app is running, but then it segfaults on restart. However, maximizing the windows crashes the app right away.

FYI - I found this is a bug in electron itself: [Bug]: SIGSEGV crash when maximizing window · Issue #41839 · electron/electron · GitHub

Looks like it was fixed very recently, so I will test, update and release a new version for Linux.

Thanks for looking into this.
Any timeline for when we can expect the new release, @mcaillio ?

Me too - I am also hoping for a new linux release “soon”. Any update?
I can work around the segmentation fault, but I can’t shrink the window vertically, it is too big such that the roaster controls fall below the screen, so I can’t control the roaster.

Slightly related - where are release notes or notifications of releases for linux posted? Is the only way to see if there is a new release, to download it and see if the number in the appimage file is higher than what we downloaded last time?


@jfree23 You can subscribe to the GitHub release page in your RSS reader: Release notes from roastime-release

@sturmdcwm @jfree23 Sorry for the late reply. Working on a release now. Been out of commission for about a month due to traveling and a flooded home.

EDIT: Release linux-x64-prod-v4.7.0 · roastworld/roastime-release · GitHub

Thanks for the new 4.7.0 release! Unfortunately I still cannot use roastime on my linux laptop. It is an older intel based HP unit, running ubuntu 24.04 and now roastime 4.7.0. I can start and run roastime no problem (as long as I use the --nosandbox switch) but the bottom of it’s window is below the bottom of the screen, and it is not possible to shrink the window vertically, enough to move it up and see the bottom. So the roaster controls and roasting status bars and buttons cannot be seen or clicked. Same is true for full screen mode.
The laptop screen is 1388 x 768 pixels. Ubuntu knows this size and shows it as recommended. Changing to a smaller size in ubuntu, like 1024 x 720, does not change the behavior.
The laptop is set up for dual boot, so can also run Win10, and I can use that to roast, and the controls do fit on the screen. Win10 also knows it is 1366 x 768 and uses that size. However, even in WIn10 it is not possible to shrink the window vertically.
I wonder if there is a minimum window height in pixels that roastime requires?? And that is more than 768?
I have tried editing the windows-state.json to change to change the size parameters there, but nothing seems to fix the issue. Is there something else to try or should I just open a case?

Yeah, go ahead and submit a ticket and I will create an issue on our end. Sounds like a different but related issue now.

FWIW - I am a Manjaro user and it works well on mine now.

Thanks, ticket info submitted. As I said, seems like roastime runs fine, just no way to see the whole window in my laptop setup so can’t control things.

Thanks a lot @mcaillio. I am finally roasting in fullscreen again! :slight_smile: