Where do you gets your beans?

Hey all, still getting my new roaster setup. I have all the ventilation and filtration pieces and i’m ready to order some green coffee!

Where do you all get your green coffee from? Where’s the best place to get some cheap beans for seasoning (assuming I do 4-5 seasoning roasts at 500g each)?


Some of the popular sources here in the U.S. are:

Sweet Maria’s
Genuine Origin

If you procure beans from them, you’ll find those beans available to add to your Bean inventory in Roast World, often with some sample roasts from other users to give you a starting point.

Hacea in particular sells “drum seasoning beans” that are not meant for consumption; they are meant only to be roasted for seasoning and discarded.

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Koepoort Koffie - based in Rotterdam, NL - ship all over Europe with orders starting from 1kg

Falcon - based in Lewes, UK - ship all over UK, Europe and Asia with orders starting from 1kg

Both have a great range (of origins and price points)

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I think if you search the forum there was a thread about sourcing beans. It all depends on where you are located.

I’m in the US and buy from Coffee Bean Corral. If you buy in large quantities then their commercial branch - Rancher - is a possibility. And Sweet Maria’s is always a good choice.
