Connection and dependency issue

Hi, we are aware of a build issue causing connection issues for some of you. If you are affected, you need to delete dependencies before restarting the app.

We have released a new RoasTime version that will fix this issue by installing the new version. Please go to and install the latest version (v4.8.1 for Windows and v4.8.0 for MacOS and Linux) to rectify this issue. Alternatively, see the below original post.

Again, apologies. Thank you for your understanding.

Original Post:

Hi, we are aware of a build issue causing connection issues for some of you. If you are affected, you need to delete the dependencies folder before restarting the app.

MacOS terminal command:

rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/RoasTime/deps

Windows terminal command:

rd /s /q C:\Users\"YOUR USER NAME"\AppData\Roaming\RoasTime\deps

As an alternative to the above commands, you can manually remove the “deps” folder at the following location depending on your operating system. Hidden files/folders may need to be enabled first before attempting this.

Path: C:\Users\"YOUR USER NAME"\AppData\Roaming\RoasTime\deps
How to view hidden files on Windows

Path: ~/Library/Application\ Support/RoasTime/deps
How to view hidden files on Mac

We apologize for the inconvenience and for not posting sooner but we didn’t realize it was effecting many people. Steps are being taken to ensure this doesn’t happen again.

Hey All,

I want to personally apologize for this issue. I did not verify the build before deploying. I was in a hurry to get this out for some deadlines.

We thought it was only affecting users active during the deploy, but it seems it is in fact affecting a greater cohort of users (~30% of users). I have theories on why it affects some vs others, but no hard facts yet.

I have a ticket to re-implement optional updates and we have a new main version going out today for new installs that makes sure this will not happen again.

Thank you for your continued support. If you continue to have issues even after taking these steps, please reach out to me and I will jump on a call with you.

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Hi, I just tried that command for Windows and received the response: The system cannot find the path specified.
The C:\Users\ “UserName”\ is set by my device, isn’t it? Sorry, I’m clueless on this stuff …

Hey @millewis.aZqX,

Are you replacing “UserName” with your actual username? I am also releasing a new main right now you can download and it will do this for you.


THANK YOU for the update!

Yes, thanks for the updated RoasTime version; it has fixed the connection problem. Cheers.

Hi, I’ve installed the new RoasTime version. Connection problem solved. Thanks for your help!

I am macbook user, I deleted deps file and downloaded new version but still there is problem with connection

I downloaded the 4.8.0 update from
When installing it on my mac (Monterey 12.7.5) I get the information that RoastTime is damaged and has to be moved to the bin?

Hey @nicolas ,

All latest versions requires MacOS 10.15. We had to add this requirement due to security updates.

If you are stuck on an older version, I can lock your dependencies into older versions that support that OS, but you will not be able to receive any future updates.


If you are facing a connection problem after installing v4.8.0 (and you can verify the Communication Service has a version v2.1.0 next to it) then you have a different issue than the one this topic outlines.

You can determine if it is a software or hardware issue by following the steps in this topic: How To: Self Debugging USB Issues - #2

Please open a support ticket after.


I’m now having an issue where preheat doesn’t start on the roaster V1R2 when I click start for a recipe. (always worked before)

Thanks for reporting this, we are going to check and get back to you.

I have noticed the same thing ( or something similar ):

My typical mode of operation:

Select a roast with a curve profile that I like and load it as an overlay.

Then I go to my recipes and click on play for the recipe that I want to run. RoasTime responds by saying that the Recipe has started. But it hasn’t. I have to go to the Active page and confirm that the preheat setting is correct and then the Recipe starts the preheat.

It used to be that just pressing the Play button would start the recipe and going to the Active page was unnecessary.

It isn’t a problem as I end up on the Active page anyways, It is just different than it was.

I ran a couple of roasts this morning after installing a new update and restarting RoasTime, the Recipe “Play” button is working as it did before.

Thank you.

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I have the same problem

I’ve done everything you suggest, still does not work. I’ve submitted a couple of tickets too, would appreciate a response asap.

I was worried that the receipe wouldn’t roast properly if I hit “pre-heat” manually on the the next screen, but it ended up working. (I was pretty nervous to ruin a pricey coffee :open_mouth: )

Totally agree. Anyway I did hit pre-heat and it still wouldn’t run my recipe. Very frustrating.